This route is currently archived. This means that it has not been updated to work with the latest optimizer. This could be for a couple of reasons. Either it's deprecated or silly, or I simply haven't gotten around to it. Either way, the result is that the only tab that works here is the Detail tab. If you're using this route, I presume you know what you're doing.
World Map (Mist) Seed: 238 Index: 0 World Map (Kaipo) Seed: 238 Index: 1 Step 33: 1 / SandMoth x2, Larva x2 (6.745s) Kaipo Seed: 238 Index: 37 World Map (Kaipo) Seed: 238 Index: 37 Step 29: 2 / Imp x4 (6.657s) Watery Pass-South B1F Seed: 238 Index: 69 Step 29: 3 / Pike x3 (7.082s) Step 44: 4 / Zombie x4 (7.142s) Watery Pass-South B2F Seed: 238 Index: 121 Step 41: 5 / Pike x3 (7.082s) Watery Pass-South Save Room Seed: 238 Index: 211 Extra Steps: 42 Watery Pass-South B2F Seed: 255 Index: 1 Step 36: 6 / Pike x3 (7.082s) Watery Pass-South B3F Seed: 255 Index: 40 Extra Steps: 2 Watery Pass-North B2F Seed: 255 Index: 76 Step 21: 7 / Pike x3 (7.082s) Watery Pass-North B1F Seed: 255 Index: 97 Step 23: 8 / CaveToad x2, Mad Toad x2 (7.159s) Step 33: 9 / CaveToad x4 (7.144s) Step 47: 10 / Pike x2, EvilShel x2, WaterBug x2 (7.288s) World Map (Kaipo) Seed: 255 Index: 159 Waterfalls B1F Seed: 255 Index: 168 Waterfalls B2F Seed: 255 Index: 169 Step 11: 11 / Zombie x6 (7.455s) Waterfalls Lake Seed: 255 Index: 214 Step 11: 12 / Aligator x1, Pike x2 (7.227s) Battle: Octomamm Seed: 255 Index: 251 Waterfalls Lake Seed: 255 Index: 251 World Map (Kaipo) Seed: 255 Index: 252 Step 6: 13 / Sandpede x1, Sand Man x2 (6.756s) World Map (Damcyan) Seed: 16 Index: 7 Damcyan Seed: 16 Index: 11 Optional Steps: 1 Extra Steps: 46 Antlion B1F Seed: 16 Index: 65 Antlion B2F Inward Charm Room Steps Seed: 16 Index: 103 Antlion B2F Seed: 16 Index: 103 Antlion Charm Room Seed: 16 Index: 136 Extra Steps: 22 Antlion B2F Seed: 16 Index: 158 Antlion B1F Seed: 16 Index: 189 Antlion B1F Save Room Seed: 16 Index: 198 Antlion B1F Seed: 16 Index: 228 Antlion B2F Seed: 16 Index: 238 Step 25: 14 / Weeper x2 (7.114s) Antlion's Nest Seed: 33 Index: 35 Battle: Antlion Seed: 33 Index: 49 Overworld (Damcyan) Seed: 33 Index: 49 Kaipo Revisited Seed: 33 Index: 50 Mt.Hobs-West Seed: 33 Index: 50 Step 10: 15 / Spirit x2 (7.971s) Step 19: 16 / Bomb x3 (8.279s) Mt.Hobs Summit Seed: 33 Index: 89 Step 3: 17 / Spirit x2 (7.971s) Battle: MomBomb Seed: 33 Index: 104 Mt.Hobs Summit Seed: 33 Index: 104 Mt.Hobs-East Seed: 33 Index: 110 Step 31: 18 / GrayBomb x2, Bomb x2 (8.757s) World Map (Fabul) Seed: 33 Index: 156 Step 32: 19 / Imp Cap. x3, Needler x1 (7.869s) Step 64: 20 / Imp Cap. x3, Needler x1 (7.869s) Fabul Seed: 33 Index: 240 Optional Steps: 15 World Map (Fabul) Seed: 50 Index: 69 Fabul Boat and Leviatan Seed: 50 Index: 76 World Map (Mysidia) Seed: 50 Index: 76 Mysidia Seed: 50 Index: 85 World Map (Mysidia) Seed: 50 Index: 85 Extra Steps: 26 World Map (Mt.Ordeals) Seed: 50 Index: 121 Step 46: 21 / Imp Cap. x4, Imp x2 (8.340s) Step 65: 22 / Raven x1 (7.843s) Mt.Ordeals Seed: 50 Index: 215 Step 31: 23 / Spirit x2, Skelton x2 (8.591s) Mt.Ordeals-3rd station Seed: 67 Index: 2 Step 26: 24 / Zombie x2, Ghoul x2 (7.741s) Step 28: 25 / Ghoul x2, Soul x2 (9.136s) Mt.Ordeals-7th station Seed: 67 Index: 30 Step 13: 26 / Revenant x1, Ghoul x3 (8.550s) Step 38: 27 / Lilith x1, Red Bone x2 (8.488s) Mt.Ordeals Summit Seed: 67 Index: 72 Optional Steps: 1 Step 6: 28 / Lilith x1, Red Bone x2 (8.488s) Battle: Milon and Milon Z Seed: 67 Index: 90 Mt.Ordeals Summit Seed: 67 Index: 90 Paladin Seed: 67 Index: 94 Mt.Ordeals Summit Seed: 67 Index: 94 Optional Steps: 1 Mt.Ordeals-7th station Seed: 67 Index: 117 Step 36: 29 / Soul x2, Ghoul x2, Revenant x2 (9.456s) Mt.Ordeals-3rd station Seed: 67 Index: 159 Step 19: 30 / Zombie x3, Ghoul x2, Revenant x2 (7.888s) Mt.Ordeals Seed: 67 Index: 189 World Map (Mt.Ordeals) Seed: 67 Index: 233 Take Chocobo to Mysidia Seed: 67 Index: 246 Serpent Road Seed: 67 Index: 246 Extra Steps: 16 Old Water-way Seed: 84 Index: 10 Step 75: 31 / FangShel x3, Aligator x1, Crocdile x1 (13.813s) Castle Baron B3F Seed: 84 Index: 100 Step 17: 32 / AquaWorm x1, Piranha x3 (9.340s) Step 40: 33 / Crocdile x2 (10.142s) Castle Baron B2F Seed: 84 Index: 154 Step 3: 34 / Hydra x2 (8.082s) Castle Baron B1F Inward Direct Seed: 84 Index: 180 Castle Baron B1F Seed: 84 Index: 180 Step 15: 35 / AquaWorm x2 (8.246s) Castle Baron Seed: 84 Index: 201 Battle: Kainazzo Seed: 84 Index: 215 World Map (Toroia) Seed: 84 Index: 215 Toroian Castle Seed: 84 Index: 216 Optional Steps: 2 World Map (Toroia) Seed: 84 Index: 229 Optional Steps: 0 Black Chocobo to Cave Magnes Seed: 101 Index: 10 World Map (Toroia) Seed: 101 Index: 10 Cave Magnes B1F Seed: 101 Index: 11 Step 28: 36 / Panther x2 (8.349s) Step 40: 37 / Panther x1, StingRat x3 (9.100s) Cave Magnes B2F Seed: 101 Index: 79 Step 12: 38 / Panther x2 (8.349s) Step 23: 39 / Ogre x1, Panther x2 (8.715s) Step 36: 40 / CaveNaga x1, Python x2 (9.175s) Cave Magnes B3F Inward Direct Seed: 101 Index: 120 Cave Magnes B3F Seed: 101 Index: 120 Step 27: 41 / CaveNaga x1, Python x2 (9.175s) Step 61: 42 / CaveNaga x1, Python x2 (9.175s) Cave Magnes B3F Room Seed: 101 Index: 190 Cave Magnes B4F Inward Direct Seed: 101 Index: 201 Cave Magnes B4F Seed: 101 Index: 201 Step 16: 43 / VampGirl x1, Cave Bat x3 (9.755s) Battle: Dark Elf Seed: 101 Index: 231 World Map (Toroia) Seed: 101 Index: 231 Walk to Toroia Seed: 101 Index: 233 World Map (Toroia) Seed: 101 Index: 233 Toroian Castle 1F Inward Extra Steps Area Steps Seed: 118 Index: 14 Toroian Castle 1F Seed: 118 Index: 14 Optional Steps: 2 World Map (Toroia) Seed: 118 Index: 17 Optional Steps: 0 Tower of Zot 1F Seed: 118 Index: 18 Step 31: 44 / Centaur x3 (8.253s) Tower of Zot 2F Seed: 118 Index: 56 Step 3: 45 / Centaur x1, IceBeast x2 (9.698s) Step 32: 46 / Centaur x1, IceBeast x2 (9.698s) Battle: FlameDog Seed: 118 Index: 108 Tower of Zot 2F Seed: 118 Index: 108 Tower of Zot 3F Seed: 118 Index: 125 Step 41: 47 / Ice Liz x1, Slime x3 (10.176s) Step 44: 48 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x3 (9.745s) Step 52: 49 / SwordMan x2 (11.413s) Tower of Zot 4F Seed: 118 Index: 211 Step 15: 50 / Centaur x2, IceBeast x2 (9.608s) Tower of Zot 5F Seed: 135 Index: 15 Battle: Magus Sisters Seed: 135 Index: 38 Tower of Zot 5F Seed: 135 Index: 38 Tower of Zot 6F Seed: 135 Index: 39 Battle: Valvalis Seed: 135 Index: 53 Castle Baron Seed: 135 Index: 53 Fly to Agart Seed: 135 Index: 72 World Map (Agart) Seed: 135 Index: 72 Underworld Map (Castle of Dwarves) Seed: 135 Index: 73