Any% No64 (Edge+Excalbur) (Marathon) (Recovery: Paladin) Seed 61 Step Route

Route Overview

Final Fantasy IV Any% No64 (Edge+Excalbur) (Marathon) (Recovery: Paladin) (version 1)
Route Time
2262.760s (saves 198.757s)
Route Encounters
99 (saves 24 encounters)
Optional Steps
Extra Steps

Route Description

Mt.Ordeals Summit                                         Seed:  61   Index:   0
Mt.Ordeals-7th station                                    Seed:  61   Index:  15
  Step   9: 1 / Soul x2, Ghoul x2, Revenant x2 (9.991s)
  Step  38: 2 / Revenant x1, Ghoul x3 (8.489s)
Mt.Ordeals-3rd station                                    Seed:  61   Index:  57
  Step  11: 3 / Zombie x2, Ghoul x2 (7.552s)
  Step  21: 4 / Ghoul x2, Soul x2 (8.971s)
Mt.Ordeals                                                Seed:  61   Index:  87
  Step  12: 5 / Skelton x3, Red Bone x2 (7.997s)
  Step  37: 6 / Skelton x3, Red Bone x2 (7.997s)
Overworld (Mt.Ordeals)                                    Seed:  61   Index: 131
  Step  12: 7 / Raven x1 (8.065s)
Take Chocobo to Mysidia                                   Seed:  61   Index: 144
Overworld (Mysidia)                                       Seed:  61   Index: 144
Town of Baron Serpent Road                                Seed:  61   Index: 144
Old Water-way                                             Seed:  61   Index: 148
  Step  84: 8 / Crocdile x1, Piranha x2 (9.538s)
Castle Baron B3F                                          Seed:  61   Index: 238
  Step  11: 9 / Hydra x2 (7.986s)
  Step  19: 10 / AquaWorm x1, Piranha x3 (9.542s)
  Step  28: 11 / FangShel x3, Aligator x1, Crocdile x1 (14.265s)
Castle Baron B2F                                          Seed:  78   Index:  36
  Step  12: 12 / AquaWorm x1, Hydra x1, Crocdile x1 (10.151s)
Save: Castle Baron B1F                                    Seed:  78   Index:  62
Castle Baron B1F                                          Seed:  78   Index:  62
Castle Baron B1F Save Room                                Seed:  78   Index:  72
Castle Baron B1F                                          Seed:  78   Index:  81
Castle Baron                                              Seed:  78   Index: 105
Battle: Kainazzo                                          Seed:  78   Index: 119
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed:  78   Index: 119
Toroian Castle                                            Seed:  78   Index: 120
  Optional Steps: 3
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed:  78   Index: 134
  Optional Steps: 0
Black Chocobo to Cave Magnes                              Seed:  78   Index: 171
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed:  78   Index: 171
Save: Before Cave Magnes                                  Seed:  78   Index: 172
Cave Magnes B1F                                           Seed:  78   Index: 172
  Step  23: 13 / Panther x1, StingRat x3 (9.009s)
Cave Magnes B2F                                           Seed:  78   Index: 240
  Step   7: 14 / CaveNaga x1, Python x2 (8.779s)
  Step  36: 15 / Mage x2 (8.585s)
Cave Magnes B3F Inward Save Room Steps                    Seed:  95   Index:  25
  Cave Magnes B3F                                         Seed:  95   Index:  25
  Cave Magnes B3F Save Room                               Seed:  95   Index:  33
    Extra Steps: 6
  Cave Magnes B3F                                         Seed:  95   Index:  39
    Step  11: 16 / Ogre x3 (8.586s)
Cave Magnes B3F Passage                                   Seed:  95   Index: 102
Cave Magnes B4F Inward Direct                             Seed:  95   Index: 113
  Cave Magnes B4F                                         Seed:  95   Index: 113
Battle: Dark Elf                                          Seed:  95   Index: 143
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed:  95   Index: 143
Black Chocobo to Toroia                                   Seed:  95   Index: 145
Toroian Castle 1F Inward Extra Steps Area Steps           Seed:  95   Index: 145
  Toroian Castle 1F                                       Seed:  95   Index: 145
    Optional Steps: 3
    Extra Steps: 96
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed:  95   Index: 245
  Optional Steps: 2
Save: Before Tower of Zot                                 Seed:  95   Index: 248
Tower of Zot 1F                                           Seed:  95   Index: 248
Tower of Zot 2F                                           Seed: 112   Index:  30
  Step   3: 17 / Centaur x1, Gremlin x2 (8.473s)
  Step  52: 18 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x2 (9.023s)
Battle: FlameDog                                          Seed: 112   Index:  82
Tower of Zot 2F                                           Seed: 112   Index:  82
Tower of Zot 3F                                           Seed: 112   Index:  99
  Step  15: 19 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x3 (9.426s)
  Step  17: 20 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x3 (9.426s)
  Step  37: 21 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x2 (9.023s)
  Step  67: 22 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x3 (9.426s)
Tower of Zot 4F                                           Seed: 112   Index: 185
  Step  33: 23 / Slime x4 (8.548s)
  Step  41: 24 / Marion (summons Puppet) x1, Puppet x3 (9.426s)
Tower of Zot 5F                                           Seed: 112   Index: 245
Save: Tower of Zot 5F                                     Seed: 129   Index:   1
Tower of Zot 5F                                           Seed: 129   Index:   1
Battle: Magus Sisters                                     Seed: 129   Index:  13
Tower of Zot 5F                                           Seed: 129   Index:  13
Tower of Zot 6F                                           Seed: 129   Index:  14
Battle: Valvalis                                          Seed: 129   Index:  28
Castle Baron                                              Seed: 129   Index:  28
Fly to Agart                                              Seed: 129   Index:  47
Overworld (Eblan)                                         Seed: 129   Index:  47
Underworld (Castle of Dwarves)                            Seed: 129   Index:  48
Save: Before Dwarf Castle                                 Seed: 129   Index:  49
Castle of Dwarves Walk                                    Seed: 129   Index:  49
  Castle of Dwarves                                       Seed: 129   Index:  49
    Optional Steps: 0
Underworld (Castle of Dwarves)                            Seed: 129   Index: 160
  Step  48: 25 / Dark Imp x3, Armadilo x1, BlackLiz x1 (6.753s)
  Step  55: 26 / Tortoise x2, Armadilo x1, BlackLiz x1 (6.876s)
  Step  77: 27 / Dark Imp x3, Armadilo x1, BlackLiz x1 (6.753s)
Tower of Bab-il 1F                                        Seed: 146   Index:  27
  Step  18: 28 / Marion (summons EvilDoll) x1, EvilDoll x3 (7.121s)
Tower of Bab-il 2F                                        Seed: 146   Index:  45
Tower of Bab-il 3F                                        Seed: 146   Index:  83
  Step  24: 29 / BlackLiz x2 (8.214s)
  Step  27: 30 / BlackLiz x3 (6.973s)
Tower of Bab-il 4F                                        Seed: 146   Index: 141
  Step   1: 31 / Tortoise x2, BlackLiz x1 (7.003s)
Save: Tower of Bab-il 4F                                  Seed: 146   Index: 147
Tower of Bab-il 4F                                        Seed: 146   Index: 147
  Step  27: 32 / Tortoise x2, BlackLiz x2 (7.069s)
Tower of Bab-il 5F                                        Seed: 146   Index: 208
  Step   8: 33 / Chimera x1, Tofu x3 (7.080s)
  Step  35: 34 / Chimera x1, Tofu x3 (7.080s)
Tower of Bab-il 6F                                        Seed: 163   Index:   9
  Step   2: 35 / Stoneman x1, Medusa x1 (8.567s)
  Step   7: 36 / Chimera x2 (8.558s)
Tower of Bab-il 7F                                        Seed: 163   Index:  21
Tower of Bab-il 8F                                        Seed: 163   Index:  64
  Step  11: 37 / Stoneman x2 (8.994s)
Battle: Dr.Lugae                                          Seed: 163   Index:  89
Tower of Bab-il 8F                                        Seed: 163   Index:  89
Tower of Bab-il 7F                                        Seed: 163   Index: 115
  Step  23: 38 / Alert (summons Naga) x1 (7.143s)
Tower of Bab-il 6F                                        Seed: 163   Index: 159
Tower of Bab-il 5F                                        Seed: 163   Index: 172
  Step  24: 39 / Chimera x1, FlameMan x2 (7.277s)
  Step  32: 40 / Chimera x1, Tofu x3 (7.044s)
Battle: Dark Imps                                         Seed: 163   Index: 214
Tower of Bab-il 5F                                        Seed: 163   Index: 214
  Step  34: 41 / Chimera x1, FlameMan x2 (9.730s)
Tower of Bab-il 4F                                        Seed: 180   Index:   2
  Step   7: 42 / Chimera x1 (10.965s)
  Step  19: 43 / Chimera x2 (8.882s)
  Step  39: 44 / Tortoise x2, BlackLiz x1 (9.348s)
Tower of Bab-il 3F                                        Seed: 180   Index:  64
Tower of Bab-il 2F                                        Seed: 180   Index: 114
Tower of Bab-il 1F                                        Seed: 180   Index: 152
Travel to Baron                                           Seed: 180   Index: 167
Overworld (Baron)                                         Seed: 180   Index: 167
Castle Baron                                              Seed: 180   Index: 167
  Extra Steps: 7
Airship Hook                                              Seed: 180   Index: 187
Overworld (Eblan)                                         Seed: 180   Index: 187
Cave Eblana B1F                                           Seed: 180   Index: 188
  Step  14: 45 / GiantBat x3, Cave Bat x3 (8.043s)
Cave Eblana B2F Shop Warp                                 Seed: 180   Index: 230
  Cave Eblana B2F                                         Seed: 180   Index: 230
Pass to Bab-il (south)                                    Seed: 197   Index:  23
Pass to Bab-il (north)                                    Seed: 197   Index:  54
Pass to Bab-il (south)                                    Seed: 197   Index:  87
  Step  16: 46 / GiantBat x3, Cave Bat x3 (8.043s)
  Step  19: 47 / Staleman x1, Skull x2 (10.023s)
  Step  48: 48 / Ironback x1, Armadilo x1, BlackLiz x1 (9.426s)
Pass to Bab-il (north) Inward Save Room Steps             Seed: 197   Index: 151
  Pass to Bab-il (north)                                  Seed: 197   Index: 151
  Pass to Bab-il (north) Save Room                        Seed: 197   Index: 155
    Extra Steps: 66
  Pass to Bab-il (north)                                  Seed: 197   Index: 221
Recruit Edge                                              Seed: 197   Index: 244
Remove Dwarf Axe in Edge Menu                             Seed: 197   Index: 244
Pass to Bab-il (north)                                    Seed: 197   Index: 244
Tower of Bab-il 1F                                        Seed: 197   Index: 247
  Step  31: 49 / Sorcerer (summons Mad Ogre) x1, BladeMan x2 (7.159s)
Tower of Bab-il B2F                                       Seed: 214   Index:  73
  Step  11: 50 / Sorcerer (summons BlackCat) x1, BladeMan x2 (7.156s)
  Step  28: 51 / Sorcerer (summons BlackCat) x1, BladeMan x2 (7.156s)
  Step  60: 52 / Sorcerer (summons BlackCat) x1, BladeMan x2 (7.156s)
  Step  66: 53 / Mad Ogre x1, BlackCat x2 (7.108s)
Tower of Bab-il B3F                                       Seed: 214   Index: 147
Tower of Bab-il B4F                                       Seed: 214   Index: 160
  Step  40: 54 / BlackCat x2, Lamia x1 (7.145s)
  Step  41: 55 / BlackCat x2, Lamia x1 (7.145s)
  Step  47: 56 / Egg (Lamia) x1 (7.878s)
Tower of Bab-il B3F                                       Seed: 214   Index: 227
  Step  32: 57 / Mad Ogre x1, BlackCat x1, Balloon x2 (7.166s)
Save: Tower of Bab-il B3F                                 Seed: 231   Index:   7
Tower of Bab-il B3F                                       Seed: 231   Index:   7
Tower of Bab-il B4F                                       Seed: 231   Index:  14
Tower of Bab-il B5F                                       Seed: 231   Index:  17
Battle: Rubicant                                          Seed: 231   Index:  44
Equip Dwarf Axe When Removing Strength Ring               Seed: 231   Index:  44
Tower of Bab-il B5F                                       Seed: 231   Index:  44
Tower of Bab-il 8F (revisit)                              Seed: 231   Index:  45
Tower of Bab-il 7F (revisit)                              Seed: 231   Index:  61
Tower of Bab-il 6F (revisit)                              Seed: 231   Index:  85
  Step  46: 58 / Grudger x2, BladeMan x2 (7.291s)
Fly to Castle of Dwarves                                  Seed: 231   Index: 135
Underworld (Castle of Dwarves)                            Seed: 231   Index: 135
Castle of Dwarves                                         Seed: 231   Index: 135
  Optional Steps: 4
  Extra Steps: 30
Underworld (Castle of Dwarves)                            Seed: 231   Index: 192
Land of Monsters B1F                                      Seed: 231   Index: 193
  Step  35: 59 / Arachne x1 (7.327s)
Land of Monsters B2F                                      Seed: 231   Index: 228
Land of Monsters B3F Inward Full Secret Passage           Seed: 248   Index:  16
  Land of Monsters B3F                                    Seed: 248   Index:  16
Underworld (Tomra)                                        Seed: 248   Index:  44
Sealed Cave                                               Seed: 248   Index:  45
Underworld (Tomra)                                        Seed: 248   Index:  52
  Extra Steps: 6
  Step   5: 60 / TrapRose x2 (6.714s)
Return to Castle of Dwarves                               Seed: 248   Index:  59
Castle of Dwarves                                         Seed: 248   Index:  59
Underworld (Castle of Dwarves)                            Seed: 248   Index:  60
Overworld (Eblan)                                         Seed: 248   Index:  61
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed: 248   Index:  62
Adamant Grotto Walk                                       Seed: 248   Index:  63
  Grotto Adamant                                          Seed: 248   Index:  63
Overworld (Toroia)                                        Seed: 248   Index:  77
Return to Mysidia                                         Seed: 248   Index:  79
Go to Kokkol in the Underworld                            Seed: 248   Index:  79
Underworld (Tomra)                                        Seed: 248   Index:  79
Return to Mysidia                                         Seed: 248   Index:  80
Overworld (Mysidia)                                       Seed: 248   Index:  80
Fly to Lunar Path                                         Seed: 248   Index:  81
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed: 248   Index:  81
Lunar Path (west)                                         Seed: 248   Index:  86
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed: 248   Index: 124
  Step   2: 61 / Slime x1, Tofu x1, Pudding x1 (7.440s)
  Step   5: 62 / Procyote x1, Pudding x2 (7.750s)
Lunar Path (east)                                         Seed: 248   Index: 159
  Step   2: 63 / Pudding x2, Grenade x2 (7.799s)
  Step  20: 64 / Red Worm x1, Procyote x1, Juclyote x1 (7.764s)
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed: 248   Index: 190
  Step   3: 65 / Slime x1, Tofu x1, Pudding x1 (7.440s)
Recruit FuSoYa                                            Seed: 248   Index: 207
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed: 248   Index: 207
  Step  18: 66 / Balloon x2, Grenade x2 (7.687s)
Lunar Path (east)                                         Seed: 248   Index: 225
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed:   9   Index:   0
  Step  35: 67 / Balloon x2, Grenade x2 (7.687s)
Lunar Path (west)                                         Seed:   9   Index:  35
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed:   9   Index:  73
Hummingway Cave                                           Seed:   9   Index:  78
Lunar Overworld                                           Seed:   9   Index: 110
Save: Before Giant of Bab-il                              Seed:   9   Index: 111
Giant of Bab-il Mouth                                     Seed:   9   Index: 111
  Optional Steps: 0
Giant of Bab-il Neck                                      Seed:   9   Index: 129
Giant of Bab-il Chest                                     Seed:   9   Index: 131
  Step  15: 68 / Horseman x1, Beamer x2 (7.663s)
  Step  28: 69 / Machine x2, Beamer x2 (7.818s)
  Step  51: 70 / Horseman x1, Beamer x2 (7.663s)
  Step  52: 71 / Searcher (summons MacGiant) x1 (7.400s)
Giant of Bab-il Stomach                                   Seed:   9   Index: 213
  Step  10: 72 / MacGiant x1, Horseman x1 (7.641s)
  Step  42: 73 / Horseman x1, Beamer x1, Machine x1 (7.709s)
Grind Fight Search                                        Seed:  26   Index:   6
  Save: Giant of Bab-il Passage                           Seed:  26   Index:   6
  Giant of Bab-il Passage                                 Seed:  26   Index:   6
    Step  46: 74 / Searcher (summons D.Machin) x1, Beamer x2 (7.658s)
    Step  54: 75 / MacGiant x1, Machine x1, Beamer x1 (7.472s)
    Step  61: 76 / MacGiant x1, Horseman x1, Beamer x1 (7.509s)
   (Step  90: 77 / Searcher (summons Horseman) x1, Beamer x2)
   (Step 200: 78 / Searcher (summons D.Machin) x1, Beamer x2)
   (Step 218: 79 / Searcher (summons D.Machin) x1, Beamer x2)
   (Step 233: 80 / D.Machin x1)
   (Step 245: 81 / MacGiant x2)
   (Step 247: 82 / Horseman x1, Machine x2)
  Giant of Bab-il Lung                                    Seed:  26   Index:  80
   (Step  16: 77 / Machine x3, Beamer x2)
   (Step 126: 78 / Beamer x1, Machine x2, Horseman x1)
   (Step 144: 79 / Beamer x1, Machine x2, Horseman x1)
   (Step 159: 80 / MacGiant x1, Horseman x1, Beamer x1)
   (Step 171: 81 / MacGiant x2)
   (Step 173: 82 / Searcher (summons Horseman) x1, Beamer x2)
   (Step 202: 83 / Machine x3, Beamer x2)
   (Step 207: 84 / D.Machin x1)
   (Step 223: 85 / Searcher (summons D.Machin) x1, Beamer x2)
   (Step 249: 86 / Machine x3, Beamer x2)
Battle: Elements                                          Seed:  26   Index:  88
Giant of Bab-il Lung                                      Seed:  26   Index:  88
Giant of Bab-il CPU                                       Seed:  26   Index:  95
Return to Moon                                            Seed:  26   Index:  97
Skip Dwarf Axe                                            Seed:  26   Index:  97
  Lunar Overworld                                         Seed:  26   Index:  97
  Lunar Path (west)                                       Seed:  26   Index: 102
  Lunar Overworld                                         Seed:  26   Index: 140
  Lunar Path (east)                                       Seed:  26   Index: 175
    Step  31: 77 / Pudding x2, Grenade x2 (7.854s)
  Lunar Overworld                                         Seed:  26   Index: 206
Lunar Subterrane B1                                       Seed:  26   Index: 223
  Step  16: 78 / Warlock x1 (6.291s)
  Step  28: 79 / Warlock x1 (6.291s)
  Step  30: 80 / Warlock x1, Kary x1, RedGiant x1 (6.307s)
Lunar Subterrane B2                                       Seed:  43   Index:   0
  Step  26: 81 / Warlock x2, RedGiant x1 (6.289s)
Lunar Subterrane B3                                       Seed:  43   Index:  29
Lunar Subterrane B4                                       Seed:  43   Index:  43
  Step   4: 82 / D.Bone x1, Warlock x1 (6.272s)
  Step  30: 83 / D.Bone x1 (6.252s)
  Step  51: 84 / King-Ryu x2 (6.657s)
Lunar Subterrane B4 Passage                               Seed:  43   Index:  99
  Step  22: 85 / King-Ryu x1 (6.621s)
  Step  24: 86 / D.Fossil x1 (6.253s)
  Step  26: 87 / D.Fossil x1 (6.253s)
Lunar Subterrane B4                                       Seed:  43   Index: 128
Lunar Subterrane B5                                       Seed:  43   Index: 143
Lunar Subterrane B5 Passage A                             Seed:  43   Index: 160
Protect Ring Chest                                        Seed:  43   Index: 178
Zeromus Menu Immediately                                  Seed:  43   Index: 178
Lunar Subterrane B5 Passage A                             Seed:  43   Index: 178
Lunar Subterrane B5                                       Seed:  43   Index: 193
Lunar Subterrane B5 Passage B                             Seed:  43   Index: 202
  Step   1: 88 / King-Ryu x1, Ging-Ryu x1 (6.635s)
Lunar Subterrane B5 Inward Direct                         Seed:  43   Index: 216
  Lunar Subterrane B5                                     Seed:  43   Index: 216
Lunar Subterrane B6                                       Seed:  43   Index: 228
  Step   8: 89 / Warlock x3 (6.265s)
Lunar Subterrane B6 Passage                               Seed:  60   Index:   9
  Step   6: 90 / King-Ryu x1 (6.591s)
Lunar Subterrane B7                                       Seed:  60   Index:  22
  Step   2: 91 / Tricker x1 (6.661s)
Save: Lunar Subterrane B7 Save Room                       Seed:  60   Index:  45
Lunar Subterrane B7 Save Room                             Seed:  60   Index:  45
  Extra Steps: 16
Lunar Subterrane B7                                       Seed:  60   Index:  68
  Step  31: 92 / D.Fossil x1 (6.246s)
  Step  56: 93 / King-Ryu x1 (6.591s)
Lunar Core B1                                             Seed:  60   Index: 126
Lunar Core B2                                             Seed:  60   Index: 194
  Step  38: 94 / Behemoth x1 (7.420s)
  Step  55: 95 / EvilMask x1 (12.163s)
Lunar Core B3                                             Seed:  60   Index: 249
  Step   8: 96 / Behemoth x2 (7.481s)
Lunar Core B4                                             Seed:  77   Index:  45
  Step   3: 97 / Breath x1 (12.059s)
  Step  27: 98 / Breath x1 (12.059s)
  Step  32: 99 / Mind x1 (10.262s)


The following images show maps on which to take extra steps for this route. The exact location to take these steps is only a suggestion. Feel free to find a location that works better for you, but be mindful of tiles that don't count as steps. You might also review the Summary or Detail tabs for important encounter information. Most of them are shown here, but due to limitations in the current route output format, they can't always be assigned to the correct map.

If you have any trouble following these maps, or if you think there is an error, please contact me. I've tried my best to ensure their accuracy, but they are automatically generated and errors may have crept in nonetheless. If there is a problem, I can fix it, and if there isn't, I can at least point out where you made a mistake.